GIMP Add-on - Background Blur questions & answers

Imitate the artistic blur of SLR cameras on pictures
Question by Ana Alves
November 19, 2012

On 2011-09-26 I bought this software. Meanwhile my disk failed and I lost all data, and it was replaced by a new one. I went to the download link on the receipt e-mail but it doesn't work anymore. How can I have the add-on file to install again? I can forward the receipt from my email again if needed, just need to know the email address to send.

Thank you so much,

Stephen Prastman
Answer by Stephen Prastman

You can't download the add-on again because the website where the plug-in was hosted is discontinued and not working anymore. I believe there is nothing to do in this case other than looking for something else and Focus Blur is the best suggestion.

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Alternative downloads

FXhome PhotoKey Pro

Professional image editor to batch-replace green screen backgrounds easily.

ImageSkill Background Remover

Background Remover is a Photoshop-compatible plug-in for Windows

CSS Background Maker

Changes the Counter-Strike Source background to whatever picture you want.